Tuesday, 8 March 2022


 Who am I?

A mother of two..
Who often tells them things which they never do..

An run- of - the - mill wife..
Who's sworn to nag her husband all her life!

A daughter carefree..
Because she was born as number three..

A daughter-in-law always striving..
As she wants the family bond ever thriving..

A sister who's not so near,
But would be the first one to give a hear ...

A friend, unconditional..
Who'd be there for every gossips, fun or dramas even if emotional ..

But are we just confined to play these roles,
Are we  not supposed to have our own goals?
What if for once we don't want to cook,
What if we just want to chill and read that book..
What if we never gave a break to our careers?
Maybe we could've been the next flag bearers!
Why should we think of everyone first?
Why are always such values imbibed in us ?
When can we put the guilt aside?
Will it ever be just us for who we decide ?
Why is it so tough to create your own identity?
Isn't being confident, a part of your beauty!

Life may not be perfect,  but we're still grateful..
Heart is content with a family so beautiful..
Just hope that you don't get lost in this race..
Live for yourself too at your own sweet pace!
So running away from your worries is not on the block..
Try to find a key that's the solution to every lock!!
Situations might bring your morale down,
But the Diva within you will always shine in a crown..
All you need is to hold that head high and walk ahead..
The world is waiting for you with its arms spread..
The answer to all these questions is hiding within you..
It's high time you start treating You as YOU!